Pick-up Truck

Sarah Dixon
Oil on canvas

38 x 68 in. (96.5 x 172.7 cm

Through oil painting, Sarah Dixon investigates the dialectical tensions between physicality and spirituality, examining the intersections of relationships, memory, intimacy and the outlaw archetype. Her subjects, situated in intimate tableaux, embody the contradictions of human existence. As the artist navigates the oscillations between narration and expressionism, she dissects the power dynamics of desire, irony and the self. The artist wrestles with her personal relationship to spirituality and what it means to be part of society, finding herself torn between the concrete and the unknown. Dixon begins a painting with a narrative, drawing shapes and figures from photographs and memories, and then moves into an intuitive space. The expressionistic painterly qualities apply themselves as she moves through a process oriented approach. The surface is significant in which the artist problem solves story, color and composition. A desire for chaos, a need for structure — narrating, breaking down, reconciling and surrendering. Her paintings are an attempt to harmonize the contradictions of the human experience, embracing the beauty and brutality of our existence. Dixon invite’s viewers to immerse themselves in the intimate, provocative, humorous and vulnerable world she has created, in which she grapples with dissolving the boundaries between corporeal and spiritual. Dixon is currently pursuing her MFA at the New York Academy of Art in New York City and will graduate in 2025.

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